Thursday, September 5, 2024

72 Taare by martyrs of Karbala

72 Taare written by Allama Najm-ul-Hasan Kararvi discusses the character of 72 martyrs of Karbala

72 Taare by martyrs of Karbala

Optional hell of wealth and actions of self


Optional hell of wealth and actions of self

The optional hell of property and deeds!!

Ilm-ul-Kitab is the first online commentary in Urdu language, which is used by more than one lakh people every day!!

 Please all our friends share this message of Quran with all your friends as much as possible !!

 Verses and meaning of verses!!

ویل للمطففین 1

الذین اذااکتالوا علی الناس

یستوفون 2 واذا کالوھم او وزنوھم

یخسرون 3 الا یظن اولٰئک انھم مبعوثون 4

لیوم عظیم 5 یوم یقوم الناس لرب العٰلمین 6 کلآ

ان کتٰب الفجار لفی سجین 7 وما ادرٰک ما سجین 8 کتٰب

مرقوم 9 ویل یومئذ للمکذبین 10 الذین یکذبون بیوم الدین 11

وما یکذب بهٖ الا کل معتد اثیم 12 اذا تتلٰی علیه اٰیٰتنا قال اساطیر

الاولین 13 کلا بل ران علٰی قلوبہم ما کانوا یکسبون 14 کلآ انھم عن

ربھم یومئذ لمحجوبون 15 ثم انھم لصالواالجحیم 16 ثم یقال ھٰذاالذی

کنتم بهٖ تکذبون 17 کلآ ان کتٰب الابرار لفی علین 18 وما ادرٰک ما علیون 19

کتٰب مرقوم 20 یشھده المقربون 21 ان الابرار لفی نعیم 22 علی الارٰئک ینظرون 23

تعرف فی وجوھہم نظرة النعیم 24 یسقون من رحیق مختوم 25 ختٰمهٗ مسک و فی ذٰلک

فلیتنا فس المتنٰفسون 26 و مزاجهٗ من تسنیم 27 عینا یشرب بھاالمقربون 28 ان الذین اجرموا

کانوا من الذین اٰمنوا یضحکون 29 واذا مروبھم یتغامزون 30 واذا انقلبوا الٰی اھلھم انقلبوا فکھین

31 واذا رواھم ان ھٰؤلآء لضالون 32 وما ارسلوا علیھم حٰفظین 33 فالیوم الذین اٰمنوا من الکفار یضحکون

34 علی الارٰئک ینظرون 35 ھل ثوب الکفار ما کانوا یفعلون 36

 For those who are greedy for their own wealth and those who are rivals for their own actions, evil is evil, who deny the Day of Reckoning and the owner of the Day of Reckoning and take full money in exchange for their sold property, but in exchange for that money, the property is not complete. According to this written law of ours, the abode of those wicked people after death is the sacred place which is a collective prison for all the unbelievers on the Day of Reckoning and the Day of Punishment. They go so far beyond the limit that whenever our decrees are revealed to them, they deny them by calling them myths and legends because of the rustiness of their hearts, and these are the wretched people. Those who will not be able to face their Creator and Owner on the Day of Judgment due to their denial and arrogance, unlike those who are greedy for their wealth and will not compete with their actions, then according to this written law of ours, their place will be alien. Ga, which our close representatives continue to observe with the idea that it should be decorated more and more for those people who will come to this position as the agents of Allah's decrees and will be the owners of every reward of this position. Mukhtars will be made and as soon as these people reach here, a fresh freshness will come on their faces because on that day, for the first time, those close representatives of ours will open their heads with the fountain of life for those close to us, and for the first time they will They will be given the transparent drink of that transparent spring, which will bring the freshness of that paradise in their fresh life, which paradise will be a permanent abode of their eternal destiny after this temporary world of theirs, and when those people of Paradise will be in it. They will be sitting on their thrones of honor in heaven and enjoying the blessings of that heaven, then the deniers of the truth and the people of the truth will be looking at them, who are looking at each other in the eyes to make fun of them in the world. But on that day they will be sure that today every good person has been fully repaid for his good deed and every bad person for his bad deed. Their confirmation will not be of any use to them!

Meaning of verse and purpose of verse !

Allah Almighty has not established the system of this world on the principle of man earning gold and saving gold, but He has established this system of his world on the principle of exchange of gold and wealth that the man who earns gold is a human being. Reach this treasure of yours to the other human being in the human society, who in exchange for this treasure, provides him with the facility that is useful for his food and drink and for his clothing and covering, this principle of life. The first goal is to bind the people of the world to their collective system of life, in which the wealth and gold that a person earns in the human society passes through the hands of each and every person in that human society. reaches the hands of man, through which the relationship of mutual need and mutual trust is established between man and man, on the basis of which every human being of the earth remains connected with every human being of the earth, after which That human society comes forth as a creature of Allah, the One Whose partner, whose practical life is subject to His monotheism, and as long as the society in which this unified principle of lin remains on earth, then that human society of the earth is God. He lives in the compassion and shelter of the One and in the human society in which this principle ends, that human society is run by Satan, as a result of which that society becomes worthy of the punishment of hell, and the second purpose of this principle of life is to make the human It is necessary to teach that just as the relationship between human life and wealth is a necessary condition, so the relationship between human life and its creator is also a necessary condition.

And just as man's relationship with man does not exist without earned wealth, similarly, man's relationship with his Creator does not exist without the positive actions done by man, and as far as those human actions are concerned, those actions It does not mean those glorifications and chants that take place in foolish monasteries, but what is meant by those actions is only one point that Allah Ta'ala has ordered man to perform the actions of life in His Book, those actions are to be performed till the end of life. He should perform and avoid the actions that are forbidden to him in this book for the rest of his life, in accordance with the rules of the revealed book, which establishes the relationship between man and his creator of the actions imposed by his creator. keeps, he is entitled to his paradise, the blessings of paradise and the blessings that accompany man from this world to the hereafter, which are mentioned in the last part of this surah, and the man who obeys the commands of Allah. If he breaks this relationship, then that person is entitled to his hell, in which the humiliations of hell also accompany a person from this world to the hereafter, the humiliations of which have been mentioned in the last part of this surah Paradise and the people of Paradise are mentioned in the section, the subject of this surah is the same principle of spreading the word and spreading this virtue to the entire human society which we have mentioned in the above line and at the beginning of this surah the principle of this principle. Mention has been made of those competitors and those greedy people who take the full amount of the goods they sell from the buyer of the goods they sell, but the measured goods they give in exchange for that amount are measured. They reduce the weight of the tol, and the wealth that they weigh, they also reduce its weight, and since most of the nations of the world have been wiped out due to the same crime of measuring, the Qur'an warns against this. It is said that in this world and in the hereafter, the evil is evil for that person who destroys the human society by reducing the measure or weight while doing transactions, and according to the Qur'an, the punishment for that person after death is It has to be met, but one of the punishments he gets in this world is that in the human society in which this undesirable work of reducing the measure and weight is done and the members of that society accept this work, then that society is wiped out and as long as that society is maintained on earth, it is maintained only for this purpose so that those people will receive a sufficient punishment in the world who, instead of destroying that society with their own hands, will be destroyed by God. Waiting for a sudden punishment from the side !!

72 Taare by martyrs of Karbala