Saturday, August 10, 2024

Who was Ibn Muljum and how did he reach Hazrat Ali?


Who was Ibn Muljum?  And how did he reach Hazrat Ali?
Who was Ibn Muljum
And how did he reach Hazrat Ali?

When the time of Hazrat Ali's caliphate came, Hazrat Ali wrote a letter to his representative in Yemen. And requested him to deal with the people with justice and fairness. 

And in the end, he asked him to send ten of his most worthy trusted people to Hazrat Ali for a special task.

And he chose a hundred men. And then he chose ten people among them who were the best and best of all.

Ibn Muljum Moradi was also included among these ten people.

When these people reached Hazrat Ali.

Ibn Muljam Shuja was eloquent and eloquent. These people made him their spokesman. To talk to Hazrat.

And he recited the poems that he himself had written in praise.

In all his words, one thing was that we are proud. You command. 

Let us all be slaves.

And our swords are ready for your enemy.

Hazrat Ali later called him to him. And said

what is your name

He said Abdul Rahman.

Hazrat said what is your father's name.

He said, "Maljum."

Hazrat said, which tribe are you from? He said with meaning.

Then Hazrat asked him three times.

do you mean

do you mean

do you mean

Ibn Muljam said yes or Amir al-Momineen.

At that time, Hazrat Ali (A.S.) issued the word 'Istrija' on the tongue.

To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.

We belong to God and we are going to return to Him.

Hazrat asked him if your midwife was a Jewish woman.

Said yes. The woman who nursed me was a Jewish woman.

Hazrat said that when you used to cry, your midwife used to say.

The murderer, worse than Shatar Salih.

Ibn Muljam said yes it was so.

Hazrat will be quiet and ordered to entertain him. A few days later, Ibn Muljum fell ill. Because there was none of it. So Hazrat himself used to visit and serve him. Even he was right.

Ibn Muljum was so enamored of Hazrat's love.

Requested. That I will not leave you. And now I will stay like this.

Hazrat said.

To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.

Ibn Muljum said: What do you mean by reading this verse?

Hazrat said, you are my killer. Ibn Muljum was surprised by this. And I was thinking to be a friend and lover of Hazrat. But he did not know that God the Almighty tests all human beings. A person who claims love. There are thousands of tests on it.

Ibn Muljum beat his head and said, Amir al-Mu'minin, kill me right now so that such an accident does not happen.

Hazrat said, "You have not done such a thing yet, how can I take revenge before the crime?"

Ibn Muljum was with Hazrat Ali's caravan in the battles of Safin and Nahrwan.

When Lashkar-e-Islam gained dominance over the Khawarij. So Ibn Muljum said, Maula, give permission. I will go to Kufa before you and give the good news of your victory and success to the people of Kufa.

Hazrat said what is your purpose in this work.

He said, I want God to be pleased with me. To make people happy with Hazrat Ali's success.

Hazrat Ali gave permission. He took a flag in his hand and went to Kufa. He entered the city and the cry of the good news echoed in the city as he was passing through the streets. When he reached Qatama's house, she was a very beautiful, handsome and wealthy woman. But there was a wicked and harlot woman. When he heard the news of the victory, he called Ibn Muljam to ask about his father and brother.

Qatama took him to her home. Respect and hospitality.

Ibn Muljum fell in love with her at first sight. And sold his religion and faith in his hands. Qatama asked about his father and brother who were among the Khawarij soldiers. Ibn Muljum said that they were all killed in the war.

Hearing this news, she started crying. Ibn Muljum regretted giving this news.

Katama got up after a while and went to another room. Decorate yourself with ornaments. And came back. Seeing this, Ibn Muljum's heart trembled.

Ibn Muljum was a captive of sensual lust and had given his authority away from his hand. Qatama said, "If you want me, my dowry is very high."

Ibn Muljum said, I will give as much as possible. I will accept. Qatama said it is more.

Some money, jewels, musk, amber, perfume, etc. Ibn Muljum said and some. Qatama said a lot.

Then she got up and left the room. And adorned himself in another way. And back.

Ibn Muljum, who had reached the point of madness, said, "And what do you want?" Qatama said.

The killing of Hazrat Ali.

Ibn Muljum immediately trembled. And worried. said after a while.

It is difficult.

Leave it now, I'll worry about it in a few days.

The next day, a messenger came to Ibn Muljum from Yemen. And said. Your father and uncle are dead. And you are the inheritors of all of them. Go collect your belongings. Ibn Muljum was very happy. I was thinking in my heart that I will take the money and donate to Qatama. For this reason he went to Hazrat Ali. And said. My father and uncle died in Cayman. I want to go to my tribe. Write a letter to your agent in Yemen and recommend that he help you in collecting the inheritance.

Ibn Muljum went to Yemen. It was night on the way. He saw the flame of fire from a distance and thought in his heart to come closer. And go to the fire at night.

When he was near the fire, suddenly the giants cried out.

The killer of Asadullah came.

Ibn Muljum was afraid and started to tremble. The giants started pelting him with stones. He could not stay there to rest. Exhausted, he ran away from there and suffering hardships, he reached Yemen. And gave the letter to the governor of Yemen.

Hakim kissed Hazrat Ali's signature and applied it to his eyes. And completed his work as soon as possible. Ibn Muljam took all his possessions and went happily to Kufa. But on the way he was stopped by robbers. And robbed all his property except his clothes and riding.

Ibn Muljum was wandering in the forest. But after a while he met a convoy. I traveled with them. He became friends with two people in the caravan. Both of them belonged to Khawarij. These people said that they have promised that they will kill Hazrat Ali Allah.

 Abdul Rahman said that I will kill Hazrat Ali (AS).

He left Kufa and went straight to Qatama's house. This harlot and prostitute brought him wine and Ibn Muljam got drunk and fell at Qatama's feet. And wished for his removal. But Qatama said.

This cannot happen until Hazrat Ali is martyred.

Ibn Muljum, who had gone crazy, said that he will go now and kill Hazrat Ali.

Qatama said that not like this. Rather, cases are necessary for murder. He paid a thousand dirhams to sharpen the edge of Ibn Muljam's sword.

And a thousand dirhams were given to poison the sword. 

That night, the ill-fated and impudent Shaqi al-Qalb stabbed Hazrat Ali (peace be upon him) in the Mihrab Masjid of Kufa. And he inflicted such a wound with the sword that two days later the successor of the Prophet Wasi Mustafa was martyred.

To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.

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72 Taare by martyrs of Karbala