Friday, August 9, 2024

Glory of Hussain and the Tragedy of Karbala


Glory of Hussain and the Tragedy of Karbala
Glory of Hussain and the Tragedy of Karbala

Born with dignity: Mostafa (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), Jigargosha Murtaza (may Allah be pleased with him), Fatimah (may Allah be pleased with him), Sultan of Karbala, Sayyid al-Shahadah, Imam of the highest place, Hazrat Sayyiduna Imam Hussain (may Allah be pleased with him) were all respectable, even his blessed birth is also respectable. Imam Hussain was born in Madinah. His name is Mubarak Hussain, his surname is Abdullah, and his nickname is Sabat Rasoolullah and Rehanat al-Rasoul (meaning the flower of the Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him).

Sayings of Mustafa ﷺ: Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain, Allah loves him who loves Hussain. Whoever loved Hasan and Hussain, loved me and whoever hated them, hated me. Hassan and Hussain are my two flowers in the world. Hasan and Hussain are the leaders of the heavenly youths. These blessed decrees of Imam al-Anbiya (peace be upon him) express the greatness and glory of Imam Hussain, the martyr of Karbala.

Anwar's expression from Rukhsar: Hazrat Allama Jami says: The glory of Imam Hussain (may Allah be pleased with him) was that when he was sitting in the dark, lights would come out from his blessed forehead and both holy cheeks (i.e. cheeks) and his surroundings would be bright. ) would have been (Evidence of Prophethood, p. 228)

The water in the well boiled. When Hazrat Sayyidna Imam Hussain RA left Madinah towards Makkah, he met Hazrat Sayyidna Ibn Muti on the way. He said, "The water in my well is very little. Please bless me." He asked for water from this well. When a bucket of water was brought to him, he put his mouth to drink water from it and rinsed, then he put the bucket back into the well and the water in the well increased considerably. And even sweeter and tastier than before. (Taqabat-e Ibn Saad Vol. 5 p. 110 in summary)

Pillar of Light and White Birds: After the martyrdom of Imam-i-Aali Maqam (RA), many miracles appeared from his Sarmanur. His Saranur was with the disgraced Yazidi wretch "Khuli Ibn Yazid", he reached Kufa at night, the door of Qasr Emirate was closed, he came home with Saranur, the tyrant insulted Saranur. He placed a big pot on the ground and turned it upside down and covered it and went to his wife "Nawar" and said: I have brought you the wealth of all time, look at that! Hussain Ibn Ali's head is lying on your house. She muttered and said: "May God bless you, people brought gold and silver (silver and gold) and you have brought the blessed head of the Prophet's son." 

By God! Now I will never be with you." Saying "Nawar" she got up from her bed and sat down where Saranoor was visiting. His statement is: "By God! I saw a light shining like a pillar from the firmament to that vessel, and white birds were hovering around it. When morning came, Khuli bin Yazid took Saranur to Ibn Ziyad Badnahad. (Al-Kamal Fi Al-Tarikh, Volume 3, Page 434)

The painful end of Kholi bin Yazid: The love of the world and the lust for wealth makes a person blind and unaware of the end. Because of the love of the world, the unfortunate Khuli bin Yazid had separated the head of the victim of Karbala from his body, but after a few years, he met such a terrible end in this world that his spleen trembles, so after a few years. Regarding the revenge action taken by Mukhtar Thaqafi against the killers of Imam Hussain, Sadrul Fazil Allama Maulana Syed Muhammad Naeemuddin Muradabadi says: "Mukhtar gave an order that the person (commander of Yazid's army) Amr bin Saad in Karbala He was a participant, he should be killed wherever found. 

The history-making role of Syedna Hussain (RA) in the field of Karbala
The history-making role of Syedna Hussain (RA) in the field of Karbala

After hearing this order, Jafashaar Surma (meaning cruel and unjust brave) of Kufa started fleeing to Basra. Mukhtar's army pursued them, killed them wherever they found them, burned the bodies, looted the houses. Khuli bin Yazid was the evil one who separated the blessed body of Imam Hussain (may Allah be pleased with him), this Russian was also arrested and brought to Mukhtar. Finally threw it into the fire. 

In this way, the army of Ibn Sa'd killed all the evildoers with various punishments. Six thousand Kufis who participated in the killing of Hazrat Imam Ali Muqam (may Allah be pleased with him) were killed by Mukhtar with various punishments.

Sadr al-Fazl Maulana Syed Muhammad Naeemuddin Moradabadi says in his book “Swanah Karbala”: The Companions of the Cave were oppressed by the infidels and the people of his maternal grandfather’s Ummah invited Hazrat Imam Ali Muqam (RA) as a guest. Then he turned off the water out of disloyalty. 

He martyred his family and companions in front of Hazrat Imam-e-Pak (RA), then he martyred Hazrat-e-Imam-e-Ala-e-Maqam (RA), took the Ahl al-Bayt (RA) as captives, drove Sarmbarak from city to city, the Companions of the Cave spoke after a long sleep of years. Yes, but it is even more strange to say the word after being separated from the body of Saranur Mubarak.

Acceptance of Islam by the monk from the Saranoor of the Martyr of Karbala Hazrat Imam Hussain RA: When a Christian monk saw the light from the church, he asked the people, they said, the monk said: "You are bad people, can you agree to take ten thousand ashrafis and let this blessed one stay with me for one night?" He accepted. The monk washed his head, applied perfume, watched all night, saw a light rising. The monk spent that night crying, converted to Islam in the morning and left the church, its wealth and belongings and spent his life in the service of Ahl al-Bayt.

When dirhams and dinars became contracts: When the Yazidis opened the mouths of the bags to distribute the dirhams and dinars that they had looted from the army of Imam Ali Al Maqam and their tents, and what they had taken from the monk, what did they see? On the one hand (Surah Ibrahim, verse 42) "And Allah did not take into account what the wrongdoers do." Translated by Kanzal-e-Iman: "And do not let Allah be unaware of the deeds of the wrongdoers." And on the other hand, the verse of Surah Al-Shu'araa, "Wasai'alam al-Dhiin Zalmooa Ayya Munqalib Yainqaliboon". Translated by Kanzalaiman: "And now they want to go, the evildoers will turn around and eat."

It was a lesson from nature that the unfortunate! You turned your back on religion for the sake of this mortal world and broke the mountain of oppression and persecution on the family of Rasool ﷺ. It will not come and you have become an example of "Khasir al-Duniya wa Al-Akhira" (that is, loss in this world and loss in the hereafter as well). 

History is a witness that when Muslims actually preferred this mortal world over religion, they also lost their faith in this unfaithful world, and those who kicked this mortal world and remained firm on the orders of the Qur'an and Sunnah and religion And they did not turn away from faith, so the world followed them behind them with tied hands and they became leaders (successful) in Dareen (both worlds).


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72 Taare by martyrs of Karbala