Sunday, August 11, 2024

Destinations visited by Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S.) on his journey from Makkah to Karbala

Destinations visited by Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S.) on his journey from Makkah to Karbala

  Makkah to Karbala is about 1731 km. According to Google Maps, this distance can be covered in 18 hours, but 1380 years ago, this distance was a difficult and painful route on which Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) traveled on 8 Dhul Hijj 60 Hijri. Started on 10 September 680 AD with his family.

After starting the journey, 14 different places are mentioned in the history books where the Imam either stayed or met different people or addressed the people. They may have little knowledge of the journey and the route.

No. 1 Al-Safa

This was the first place where the Imam met the famous Arab poet Al-Farzadaq and asked him about the conditions of Kufa. The poet said, "The hearts of the people of Kufa are with you and their swords are against you."

The poet stopped the Imam from going to Kufa, but the Imam had already started his journey.

No. 2 caste

This is the second place on the way from Makkah to Kufa, which is about 92 km from Makkah. At this place, the Imam met his cousin Abdullah Ibn Jafar and at this place Abdullah Ibn Jafar presented his two sons, Aun and Muhammad, to the service of the Imam. And at the same time, he stopped the Imam from going to Kufa, to which the Imam replied, "My destination is in the hands of Allah."

No.3 Roma Belly

This place is a few kilometers ahead of Zaat-Irq, here the Imam wrote a letter to the people of Kufa by the hand of Qais bin Mushir and here the Imam met Abdullah bin Muti who was coming from Iraq, Abdullah stopped the Imam from going further and said, "Kufa." Those who cannot be trusted, they are not among the faithful.” But the Imam continued his journey.

No. 4 Germ

It was a small town on the hills of Hijaz and here the range of hills of Hijaz ends and the hot desert of Arabia begins. Here the Imam met Zuhair Ibn Al-Qain and when he found out what purpose the Imam was going for. So he handed over all his belongings to his wife and said to her, "You go home. I wish to be killed with the Imam."

No. 5 Zabala

At this place, the Imam met two men who belonged to the Asadi tribe of Arabs. They informed the Imam of the martyrdom of Mr. Muslim bin Aqeel by the people of Kufa. They are going to return and surely He is the one who will keep an account of our sacrifices.

At this place, the Imam told those who were walking with him that Mr. Muslim and Mr. Hani have been martyred and the people of Kufa will not help us.

Many of the tribes who had accompanied the Imam on the way in the hope that they would find wealth scattered here and there and returned to their homes, leaving about fifty people with the Imam and his family. .

No. 6 Batin Aqeeq

At this place, Imam met a man from the Akrama tribe who informed the Imam that "You have no friends in Kufa, Kufa has been surrounded by the army of Yazid and its entrance and exit gates have been closed and Do not go to Kufa, Imam continued his journey here.

No. 7 Sorat

Imam spent the night at this place and told his caravan in the morning to take as much water as possible.

No. 8 Honor

At this point, one of the Imam's companions shouted that he saw an army coming towards him, the Imam immediately turned the caravan and took it behind a nearby mountain.

Destinations visited by Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S.) on his journey from Makkah to Karbala

No.9 decisive

At this place, the Imam met Hur and a thousand of his soldiers who were thirsty. It was done and everyone offered Zuhr prayer under Imam Malik.

At this place, the Imam addressed Hura and his army and said, "O people of Kufa, you people sent your messengers to me and wrote letters to me saying that you people have no Imam and I should come to Kufa and you people in the way of Allah." I will gather and you people can pledge allegiance to me, you people wrote that you are people of allegiance and can solve our affairs in a better way than those who do injustice and are wrong, but if you people If you have changed your mind and become disbelievers and do not know the rights of the people of allegiance and have gone back on your promises, I will go back."

Hur's army did not allow the Imam to go back and surrounded him and took him to Karbala instead of Kufa.

No. 10 eggs

The Imam reached Beida the next day and addressed the army of Hur again at that place. He said, "People, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said, whoever sees a king who is unjust, he should call what Allah has forbidden as lawful, the covenant of God." If he opposes the Sunnah of the Prophet and rules the servants of Allah with sin and abuse, then if that person does not replace that king with his tongue, his actions and his hand, then Allah has the right to replace such a person with that king. Enter hell".

The Imam further said at this point, Meaning: "People, do you not know that those who obeyed the devil and turned their backs on Allah, created chaos in the country, suspended the limits of the tax and appropriated the booty for themselves, such In this case, who is more obligated than me to try to reform, when your messengers come to me and letters arrive, you have to pledge allegiance and you will be my helper and will not leave me alone, so if you promise your promise. If you complete it, you will reach the right path."

The Imam referred to the people here and said, "If you go back on your promise, then it is not surprising. You have done the same to my father and my cousin Muslim before this, and soon Allah will do it to me." will make you helpless with your help".

After listening to Imam's speech, Hur said to Imam that if you fight, you will be killed. Imam said, "You are threatening me with death and will your cruelty reach the extent that you will kill me?" .

There was no effect on the army of Hur and they continued to surround Imam towards Karbala.

No. 11 Azib Al Hujnat

At this place the Imam met Tarmah ibn Adi who informed the Imam of the dangerous intention of the people of Kufa which the Imam already knew and requested the Imam to accompany him to Mount Ajah so that the Imam could take refuge there, the Imam said. Meaning: "May Allah reward you and your nation, we have made a covenant between us and these people and now we cannot go back from this covenant".

No. 12 Qasr Bani Muqatil

It was decided that the Imam would not be allowed to go to Kufa, so the army of Hur changed the route to Kufa and surrounded the Imam and started taking him towards Karbala. We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return."

The Imam's 18-year-old son Ali Akbar came near the Imam and the Imam said that he had heard someone say in his dream that these people are going to kill him. are not on the way”.

Destinations visited by Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S.) on his journey from Makkah to Karbala

No. 13 Nineveh

At this place, Hur received a letter from Ibn Ziyad in which he wrote that stop the Imam where he is and force him to alight in a place where there is no water or greenery.

Hur informed the Imam of Ibn Ziyad's letter. He said, "We will camp in Nineveh of our own accord." Hur said, "Ibn Ziyad's spies are monitoring everything, so I cannot allow you to do that." Then Imam's caravan reached a place, Imam asked what is the name of this place, someone answered Karbala, Imam said this is the place of Karb and Bala, this is the place where we will be killed.

From 14 Karbala

On the order of the Imam, the tents were pitched in the plain of Karbala, the river Euphrates was a few miles away from the tents and it was the 2nd of Muharram 61 Hijri and the date was 3rd October 680 on the AD calendar.

Note: The conditions of Karbala are not being described in detail in this article. The purpose of this article was to mention the places and various incidents in the Imam's journey from Makkah to Karbala so that those who do not know about this journey of the Imam of 1731 km A little awareness can be had.


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