Thursday, August 15, 2024

Karbala Historical Resourses

Karbala Historical Resourses


History - Reference, Wisdom - Spirituality, Stories - Narrative, Karbala - Ashura,


Karbala Historical Resourses,Shaikh Al Mufid,Karbala Historical Resourses,Shaikh Al Mufid,Karba,History - Reference,Wisdom - Spirituality,Stories - Narrative,Karbala - Ashura


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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The eight troubles that ruin a person's life


The eight troubles that ruin a person's life

 The eight troubles that ruin a person's life

When a person is negligent of Allah Ta'ala...or commits a sin, many troubles befall him...but "eight" of these troubles are very dangerous...these eight troubles ruin a person's life and he endangers the we were taught to pray every day in the morning and in the evening to avoid these eight troubles...the strange thing is that...the arrows of these eight troubles...every morning and every evening we but the person who takes shelter of Allah Ta'ala in the morning and evening...he is saved...and the one who does not take this refuge falls victim to one or more of these arrows...

Those eight afflictions are:

(1) "Alham" means to be concerned

(2) "Al-Hazn" means to be bound in grief

(3) "Al Ujaz" means lack of courage, idleness, deprivation

(4) "Axel" means laziness, negligence

(5) "Aljaban" means cowardice, fear, weakening of the heart and melting

(6) Al-Bakhl means miserliness, greed, greed and narrow-mindedness about wealth

(7) "Ghalbat al-Din" means getting stuck in debt so badly that there is no way out

(8) "Qharr al-Rijal" means becoming a victim of people's wrath, anger, dominance and oppression...

Precious Prayer

The prayer for protection from these eight calamities... has been mentioned in many blessed hadiths... it has even been mentioned in Sahih Bukhari...

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to make this supplication frequently.

Just estimate the importance from this. Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was innocent, safe and free from all the evils of Satan... but still he used to make this supplication a lot...

It is in the tradition of Abu Dawud that... The Holy Prophet ﷺ went to the mosque during the day and found his companion Hazrat Abu Imamah (RA) sitting there... He asked that it is not time for prayer, then how come you are sitting in the mosque... He said... Thoughts surrounded by...and stuck in debt... 

He said, "Recite these words in the morning and in the evening... When he arranged, the thoughts also went away and Allah Ta'ala also removed all the debt...

This supplication has been mentioned in many hadiths with some delay and some differences

Two forms of dua are being presented here...whichever seems easy, make it your routine...

اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ الْهَمِّ وَالْحَزَنِ، وَأَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ الْعَجْزِ وَالْكَسَلِ، وَأَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ الْجُبْنِ وَالْبُخْلِ، وَأَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ غَلَبَةِ الدَّيْنِ، وَقَهْرِ الرِّجَالِ

(1) O Allah, I seek refuge in You from worry and grief, helplessness and laziness, miserliness and cowardice, the burden of debt, and being overpowered by men.

(2) O Allah, I seek refuge in You from worry and grief, and I seek refuge in You from helplessness and laziness, and I seek refuge in You from cowardice and miserliness, and I seek refuge in You from being overcome by debt and being oppressed by men.

Understand the translation of the words again briefly…

1.. “Inspiration” refers to thoughts… future worries, anxieties, futile plans and thoughts…

2.. Al-Hazn “Grief is called … the shock and grief of past events suddenly arise and cover the heart… although it is mentioned in Hadith Sharif … “No one can find the truth of faith until Let him not believe that what has reached him could not have survived him...and what remained of him could not have reached him.” (Musnad Ahmad)

That is, the blessing that was received could not be received more than what was meant to be received...the pain that came was bound to come, it could not be avoided...and what was not received was not to be received even if I did anything...meaning this That faith in Allah's destiny and being satisfied with Allah's destiny... this is the cure for grief...

3.. “Al Ujja” means losing the power to do good deeds and good blessings… it also comes with less courage…

4..'Alxal' means laziness...means weakening of human will...I can't...I don't...

5.. "Al-Jaban" Cowardice, fear of death, always worrying about saving one's life...Allah knows that by putting it on you will get Jannah, but we always think about saving life instead of taking life...Allah Allah gave life so that we can use it... to make the religion dominant, to protect Islamic sanctities... to give honor to the Muslim Ummah... but we are ready to bear every humiliation to save life... this is called "cowardice". …

6.. al-Bakhl'' being miserly about wealth...not benefiting from wealth...being greedy for accumulating and counting wealth...becoming a servant and employee of wealth...and not paying the Shariah and moral rights of wealth...

7.. Zilauddin” Badly imposed by debt… Getting into the habit of taking useless loans… Being crushed under the burden of debts…

8.. Dominance of men or men of men” … to be humiliated, disgraced, defeated and oppressed by people…

May Allah protect me and all of you from these eight calamities and all calamities...

Amen or Arham al-Rahimin

Reciting Durood Sharif and inviting him


Reciting Durood Sharif and inviting him
Reciting Durood Sharif and inviting him

It is not in everyone's fortune to recite Darood Sharif and invite him, it is the share of the fortunate ones.

 May God's blessings and peace be upon our master Muhammad and upon his family and peace be upon him.

  When you start reciting Durood Sharif, all your work will be fine, you will come under the special gaze of Mustafa Jan-e-Rahmat صلى الله عليه وسلم.  Goodness will be good for you in this world and in the Hereafter. Those who recite Darood Sharif do not need any kind of stipend.  Offer salutations in the presence of the Lord of Mercy, your sins will be forgiven, your sins will be removed, you will be healed.

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَسَلِّمْ

 May God's blessings and peace be upon our master Muhammad and upon his family and peace be upon him.

  In every debt, in every disease, in every sorrow, in calamities, make it a habit to read Durood Sharif on Mustafa Jan-e-Rahmat ﷺ.

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَسَلِّمْ

 May God's blessings and peace be upon our master Muhammad and upon his family and peace be upon him.

  O Lord of the Mostafa ﷺ, bless all the people who join us in reciting Duroodpak and inviting him in the love of you and your Beloved ﷺ to see the Mostafa Jan-e-Rahmat ﷺ and the intercession of the Mostafa Kareem ﷺ.

 Amen, peace be upon him, instead of the Prophet, peace be upon him

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Destinations visited by Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S.) on his journey from Makkah to Karbala

Destinations visited by Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S.) on his journey from Makkah to Karbala

  Makkah to Karbala is about 1731 km. According to Google Maps, this distance can be covered in 18 hours, but 1380 years ago, this distance was a difficult and painful route on which Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) traveled on 8 Dhul Hijj 60 Hijri. Started on 10 September 680 AD with his family.

After starting the journey, 14 different places are mentioned in the history books where the Imam either stayed or met different people or addressed the people. They may have little knowledge of the journey and the route.

No. 1 Al-Safa

This was the first place where the Imam met the famous Arab poet Al-Farzadaq and asked him about the conditions of Kufa. The poet said, "The hearts of the people of Kufa are with you and their swords are against you."

The poet stopped the Imam from going to Kufa, but the Imam had already started his journey.

No. 2 caste

This is the second place on the way from Makkah to Kufa, which is about 92 km from Makkah. At this place, the Imam met his cousin Abdullah Ibn Jafar and at this place Abdullah Ibn Jafar presented his two sons, Aun and Muhammad, to the service of the Imam. And at the same time, he stopped the Imam from going to Kufa, to which the Imam replied, "My destination is in the hands of Allah."

No.3 Roma Belly

This place is a few kilometers ahead of Zaat-Irq, here the Imam wrote a letter to the people of Kufa by the hand of Qais bin Mushir and here the Imam met Abdullah bin Muti who was coming from Iraq, Abdullah stopped the Imam from going further and said, "Kufa." Those who cannot be trusted, they are not among the faithful.” But the Imam continued his journey.

No. 4 Germ

It was a small town on the hills of Hijaz and here the range of hills of Hijaz ends and the hot desert of Arabia begins. Here the Imam met Zuhair Ibn Al-Qain and when he found out what purpose the Imam was going for. So he handed over all his belongings to his wife and said to her, "You go home. I wish to be killed with the Imam."

No. 5 Zabala

At this place, the Imam met two men who belonged to the Asadi tribe of Arabs. They informed the Imam of the martyrdom of Mr. Muslim bin Aqeel by the people of Kufa. They are going to return and surely He is the one who will keep an account of our sacrifices.

At this place, the Imam told those who were walking with him that Mr. Muslim and Mr. Hani have been martyred and the people of Kufa will not help us.

Many of the tribes who had accompanied the Imam on the way in the hope that they would find wealth scattered here and there and returned to their homes, leaving about fifty people with the Imam and his family. .

No. 6 Batin Aqeeq

At this place, Imam met a man from the Akrama tribe who informed the Imam that "You have no friends in Kufa, Kufa has been surrounded by the army of Yazid and its entrance and exit gates have been closed and Do not go to Kufa, Imam continued his journey here.

No. 7 Sorat

Imam spent the night at this place and told his caravan in the morning to take as much water as possible.

No. 8 Honor

At this point, one of the Imam's companions shouted that he saw an army coming towards him, the Imam immediately turned the caravan and took it behind a nearby mountain.

Destinations visited by Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S.) on his journey from Makkah to Karbala

No.9 decisive

At this place, the Imam met Hur and a thousand of his soldiers who were thirsty. It was done and everyone offered Zuhr prayer under Imam Malik.

At this place, the Imam addressed Hura and his army and said, "O people of Kufa, you people sent your messengers to me and wrote letters to me saying that you people have no Imam and I should come to Kufa and you people in the way of Allah." I will gather and you people can pledge allegiance to me, you people wrote that you are people of allegiance and can solve our affairs in a better way than those who do injustice and are wrong, but if you people If you have changed your mind and become disbelievers and do not know the rights of the people of allegiance and have gone back on your promises, I will go back."

Hur's army did not allow the Imam to go back and surrounded him and took him to Karbala instead of Kufa.

No. 10 eggs

The Imam reached Beida the next day and addressed the army of Hur again at that place. He said, "People, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said, whoever sees a king who is unjust, he should call what Allah has forbidden as lawful, the covenant of God." If he opposes the Sunnah of the Prophet and rules the servants of Allah with sin and abuse, then if that person does not replace that king with his tongue, his actions and his hand, then Allah has the right to replace such a person with that king. Enter hell".

The Imam further said at this point, Meaning: "People, do you not know that those who obeyed the devil and turned their backs on Allah, created chaos in the country, suspended the limits of the tax and appropriated the booty for themselves, such In this case, who is more obligated than me to try to reform, when your messengers come to me and letters arrive, you have to pledge allegiance and you will be my helper and will not leave me alone, so if you promise your promise. If you complete it, you will reach the right path."

The Imam referred to the people here and said, "If you go back on your promise, then it is not surprising. You have done the same to my father and my cousin Muslim before this, and soon Allah will do it to me." will make you helpless with your help".

After listening to Imam's speech, Hur said to Imam that if you fight, you will be killed. Imam said, "You are threatening me with death and will your cruelty reach the extent that you will kill me?" .

There was no effect on the army of Hur and they continued to surround Imam towards Karbala.

No. 11 Azib Al Hujnat

At this place the Imam met Tarmah ibn Adi who informed the Imam of the dangerous intention of the people of Kufa which the Imam already knew and requested the Imam to accompany him to Mount Ajah so that the Imam could take refuge there, the Imam said. Meaning: "May Allah reward you and your nation, we have made a covenant between us and these people and now we cannot go back from this covenant".

No. 12 Qasr Bani Muqatil

It was decided that the Imam would not be allowed to go to Kufa, so the army of Hur changed the route to Kufa and surrounded the Imam and started taking him towards Karbala. We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return."

The Imam's 18-year-old son Ali Akbar came near the Imam and the Imam said that he had heard someone say in his dream that these people are going to kill him. are not on the way”.

Destinations visited by Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S.) on his journey from Makkah to Karbala

No. 13 Nineveh

At this place, Hur received a letter from Ibn Ziyad in which he wrote that stop the Imam where he is and force him to alight in a place where there is no water or greenery.

Hur informed the Imam of Ibn Ziyad's letter. He said, "We will camp in Nineveh of our own accord." Hur said, "Ibn Ziyad's spies are monitoring everything, so I cannot allow you to do that." Then Imam's caravan reached a place, Imam asked what is the name of this place, someone answered Karbala, Imam said this is the place of Karb and Bala, this is the place where we will be killed.

From 14 Karbala

On the order of the Imam, the tents were pitched in the plain of Karbala, the river Euphrates was a few miles away from the tents and it was the 2nd of Muharram 61 Hijri and the date was 3rd October 680 on the AD calendar.

Note: The conditions of Karbala are not being described in detail in this article. The purpose of this article was to mention the places and various incidents in the Imam's journey from Makkah to Karbala so that those who do not know about this journey of the Imam of 1731 km A little awareness can be had.


Saturday, August 10, 2024

Governor of Syria, Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah


Governor of Syria, Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah
Governor of Syria, Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah

 Governor of Syria, Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah

Seeing his residence and lifestyle, Amirul Momineen Umar Farooq wept uncontrollably

Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani

Hazrat Ubaidah bin Jarrah was made the governor of Syria during the time of Hazrat Omar. Because most of the evening

The territory was conquered by them. Syria was a huge area at that time. Areas today this evening

There are four countries namely Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon and this province of Syria was rich. wealth

The train started. Hazrat Umar was sitting in Madinah and commanding the entire world of Islam, so he

Once visited Syria for inspection. Hazrat Umar once during his visit to Syria

He said: O Abu Ubaydah, my heart wants to see my brother's house, where you live.

It was in Hazrat Umar's mind that Abu Ubaidah had become the governor of such a large province and that wealth and wealth were here

The wealth is starting to rise, so one should check their house to see what they have accumulated.

Residence of the Governor of Syria:

Hazrat Abu Obaidah replied that Ameerul Momineen! What will you do when you see my house? That's why

That when you see my house, nothing will be achieved except to squint your eyes. Hazrat Omar

Farooq insisted that I want to see. Hazrat Abu Ubaid took Ameerul Momineen to the city

They were passing through. On the way, when the population of the city was over, Hazrat Umar asked:

where are you taking Hazrat Abu Obaidah replied that the bus is now near. So the whole of Damascus

The city, which was teeming with worldly goods, passed away and was finally taken away and made of palm leaves.

Hawa showed a hut, and said that Ameerul Momineen I live in it when Hazrat Farooq Azam

When he entered inside, he looked around and saw nothing except a pillar

came Hazrat Farooq Azam asked that O Obida! Do you live in it? There is no instrument here

No utensils, no food, no sleeping arrangements, nothing. 

Governor of Syria, Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah
Governor of Syria, Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah

How do you live here?

He replied that Ameerul Momineen, Alhamdulillah! All the equipment I need is available, this Musli

Yes, I pray on it, and sleep on it at night, and then put my hand up towards the forehead

extended and took out a bowl from there, which was not visible and took out that bowl and showed that Amirul Momineen

There is a pot. When Hazrat Farooq Azam saw this vessel, it was filled with water and dry bread

The pieces were soaked and then Hazrat Abu Ubaidah said that Amirul Momineen, I am the ruler day and night

I am busy with official work, I don't have time to arrange food etc., one

The lady cooks two or three days worth of bread at a time, I keep this bread and

When it dries up, I

I dip it in water and eat it at night while sleeping.

Passed through the market, not a buyer

When Hazrat Farooq Azam saw this situation, tears came to his eyes. Hazrat

Abu Ubaidah said, Amir

Al-Mu'minin, I was already telling you to close your eyes after seeing my house

Nothing else will be achieved. Hazrat Farooq Azam said: O Abu Ubaydah! The rail of this world started us

Changed everyone, but by God, you are the same as this world was in the time of Rasoolullah Salim

But it didn't have any effect.

Who was Ibn Muljum and how did he reach Hazrat Ali?


Who was Ibn Muljum?  And how did he reach Hazrat Ali?
Who was Ibn Muljum
And how did he reach Hazrat Ali?

When the time of Hazrat Ali's caliphate came, Hazrat Ali wrote a letter to his representative in Yemen. And requested him to deal with the people with justice and fairness. 

And in the end, he asked him to send ten of his most worthy trusted people to Hazrat Ali for a special task.

And he chose a hundred men. And then he chose ten people among them who were the best and best of all.

Ibn Muljum Moradi was also included among these ten people.

When these people reached Hazrat Ali.

Ibn Muljam Shuja was eloquent and eloquent. These people made him their spokesman. To talk to Hazrat.

And he recited the poems that he himself had written in praise.

In all his words, one thing was that we are proud. You command. 

Let us all be slaves.

And our swords are ready for your enemy.

Hazrat Ali later called him to him. And said

what is your name

He said Abdul Rahman.

Hazrat said what is your father's name.

He said, "Maljum."

Hazrat said, which tribe are you from? He said with meaning.

Then Hazrat asked him three times.

do you mean

do you mean

do you mean

Ibn Muljam said yes or Amir al-Momineen.

At that time, Hazrat Ali (A.S.) issued the word 'Istrija' on the tongue.

To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.

We belong to God and we are going to return to Him.

Hazrat asked him if your midwife was a Jewish woman.

Said yes. The woman who nursed me was a Jewish woman.

Hazrat said that when you used to cry, your midwife used to say.

The murderer, worse than Shatar Salih.

Ibn Muljam said yes it was so.

Hazrat will be quiet and ordered to entertain him. A few days later, Ibn Muljum fell ill. Because there was none of it. So Hazrat himself used to visit and serve him. Even he was right.

Ibn Muljum was so enamored of Hazrat's love.

Requested. That I will not leave you. And now I will stay like this.

Hazrat said.

To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.

Ibn Muljum said: What do you mean by reading this verse?

Hazrat said, you are my killer. Ibn Muljum was surprised by this. And I was thinking to be a friend and lover of Hazrat. But he did not know that God the Almighty tests all human beings. A person who claims love. There are thousands of tests on it.

Ibn Muljum beat his head and said, Amir al-Mu'minin, kill me right now so that such an accident does not happen.

Hazrat said, "You have not done such a thing yet, how can I take revenge before the crime?"

Ibn Muljum was with Hazrat Ali's caravan in the battles of Safin and Nahrwan.

When Lashkar-e-Islam gained dominance over the Khawarij. So Ibn Muljum said, Maula, give permission. I will go to Kufa before you and give the good news of your victory and success to the people of Kufa.

Hazrat said what is your purpose in this work.

He said, I want God to be pleased with me. To make people happy with Hazrat Ali's success.

Hazrat Ali gave permission. He took a flag in his hand and went to Kufa. He entered the city and the cry of the good news echoed in the city as he was passing through the streets. When he reached Qatama's house, she was a very beautiful, handsome and wealthy woman. But there was a wicked and harlot woman. When he heard the news of the victory, he called Ibn Muljam to ask about his father and brother.

Qatama took him to her home. Respect and hospitality.

Ibn Muljum fell in love with her at first sight. And sold his religion and faith in his hands. Qatama asked about his father and brother who were among the Khawarij soldiers. Ibn Muljum said that they were all killed in the war.

Hearing this news, she started crying. Ibn Muljum regretted giving this news.

Katama got up after a while and went to another room. Decorate yourself with ornaments. And came back. Seeing this, Ibn Muljum's heart trembled.

Ibn Muljum was a captive of sensual lust and had given his authority away from his hand. Qatama said, "If you want me, my dowry is very high."

Ibn Muljum said, I will give as much as possible. I will accept. Qatama said it is more.

Some money, jewels, musk, amber, perfume, etc. Ibn Muljum said and some. Qatama said a lot.

Then she got up and left the room. And adorned himself in another way. And back.

Ibn Muljum, who had reached the point of madness, said, "And what do you want?" Qatama said.

The killing of Hazrat Ali.

Ibn Muljum immediately trembled. And worried. said after a while.

It is difficult.

Leave it now, I'll worry about it in a few days.

The next day, a messenger came to Ibn Muljum from Yemen. And said. Your father and uncle are dead. And you are the inheritors of all of them. Go collect your belongings. Ibn Muljum was very happy. I was thinking in my heart that I will take the money and donate to Qatama. For this reason he went to Hazrat Ali. And said. My father and uncle died in Cayman. I want to go to my tribe. Write a letter to your agent in Yemen and recommend that he help you in collecting the inheritance.

Ibn Muljum went to Yemen. It was night on the way. He saw the flame of fire from a distance and thought in his heart to come closer. And go to the fire at night.

When he was near the fire, suddenly the giants cried out.

The killer of Asadullah came.

Ibn Muljum was afraid and started to tremble. The giants started pelting him with stones. He could not stay there to rest. Exhausted, he ran away from there and suffering hardships, he reached Yemen. And gave the letter to the governor of Yemen.

Hakim kissed Hazrat Ali's signature and applied it to his eyes. And completed his work as soon as possible. Ibn Muljam took all his possessions and went happily to Kufa. But on the way he was stopped by robbers. And robbed all his property except his clothes and riding.

Ibn Muljum was wandering in the forest. But after a while he met a convoy. I traveled with them. He became friends with two people in the caravan. Both of them belonged to Khawarij. These people said that they have promised that they will kill Hazrat Ali Allah.

 Abdul Rahman said that I will kill Hazrat Ali (AS).

He left Kufa and went straight to Qatama's house. This harlot and prostitute brought him wine and Ibn Muljam got drunk and fell at Qatama's feet. And wished for his removal. But Qatama said.

This cannot happen until Hazrat Ali is martyred.

Ibn Muljum, who had gone crazy, said that he will go now and kill Hazrat Ali.

Qatama said that not like this. Rather, cases are necessary for murder. He paid a thousand dirhams to sharpen the edge of Ibn Muljam's sword.

And a thousand dirhams were given to poison the sword. 

That night, the ill-fated and impudent Shaqi al-Qalb stabbed Hazrat Ali (peace be upon him) in the Mihrab Masjid of Kufa. And he inflicted such a wound with the sword that two days later the successor of the Prophet Wasi Mustafa was martyred.

To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Glory of Hussain and the Tragedy of Karbala


Glory of Hussain and the Tragedy of Karbala
Glory of Hussain and the Tragedy of Karbala

Born with dignity: Mostafa (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), Jigargosha Murtaza (may Allah be pleased with him), Fatimah (may Allah be pleased with him), Sultan of Karbala, Sayyid al-Shahadah, Imam of the highest place, Hazrat Sayyiduna Imam Hussain (may Allah be pleased with him) were all respectable, even his blessed birth is also respectable. Imam Hussain was born in Madinah. His name is Mubarak Hussain, his surname is Abdullah, and his nickname is Sabat Rasoolullah and Rehanat al-Rasoul (meaning the flower of the Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him).

Sayings of Mustafa ﷺ: Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain, Allah loves him who loves Hussain. Whoever loved Hasan and Hussain, loved me and whoever hated them, hated me. Hassan and Hussain are my two flowers in the world. Hasan and Hussain are the leaders of the heavenly youths. These blessed decrees of Imam al-Anbiya (peace be upon him) express the greatness and glory of Imam Hussain, the martyr of Karbala.

Anwar's expression from Rukhsar: Hazrat Allama Jami says: The glory of Imam Hussain (may Allah be pleased with him) was that when he was sitting in the dark, lights would come out from his blessed forehead and both holy cheeks (i.e. cheeks) and his surroundings would be bright. ) would have been (Evidence of Prophethood, p. 228)

The water in the well boiled. When Hazrat Sayyidna Imam Hussain RA left Madinah towards Makkah, he met Hazrat Sayyidna Ibn Muti on the way. He said, "The water in my well is very little. Please bless me." He asked for water from this well. When a bucket of water was brought to him, he put his mouth to drink water from it and rinsed, then he put the bucket back into the well and the water in the well increased considerably. And even sweeter and tastier than before. (Taqabat-e Ibn Saad Vol. 5 p. 110 in summary)

Pillar of Light and White Birds: After the martyrdom of Imam-i-Aali Maqam (RA), many miracles appeared from his Sarmanur. His Saranur was with the disgraced Yazidi wretch "Khuli Ibn Yazid", he reached Kufa at night, the door of Qasr Emirate was closed, he came home with Saranur, the tyrant insulted Saranur. He placed a big pot on the ground and turned it upside down and covered it and went to his wife "Nawar" and said: I have brought you the wealth of all time, look at that! Hussain Ibn Ali's head is lying on your house. She muttered and said: "May God bless you, people brought gold and silver (silver and gold) and you have brought the blessed head of the Prophet's son." 

By God! Now I will never be with you." Saying "Nawar" she got up from her bed and sat down where Saranoor was visiting. His statement is: "By God! I saw a light shining like a pillar from the firmament to that vessel, and white birds were hovering around it. When morning came, Khuli bin Yazid took Saranur to Ibn Ziyad Badnahad. (Al-Kamal Fi Al-Tarikh, Volume 3, Page 434)

The painful end of Kholi bin Yazid: The love of the world and the lust for wealth makes a person blind and unaware of the end. Because of the love of the world, the unfortunate Khuli bin Yazid had separated the head of the victim of Karbala from his body, but after a few years, he met such a terrible end in this world that his spleen trembles, so after a few years. Regarding the revenge action taken by Mukhtar Thaqafi against the killers of Imam Hussain, Sadrul Fazil Allama Maulana Syed Muhammad Naeemuddin Muradabadi says: "Mukhtar gave an order that the person (commander of Yazid's army) Amr bin Saad in Karbala He was a participant, he should be killed wherever found. 

The history-making role of Syedna Hussain (RA) in the field of Karbala
The history-making role of Syedna Hussain (RA) in the field of Karbala

After hearing this order, Jafashaar Surma (meaning cruel and unjust brave) of Kufa started fleeing to Basra. Mukhtar's army pursued them, killed them wherever they found them, burned the bodies, looted the houses. Khuli bin Yazid was the evil one who separated the blessed body of Imam Hussain (may Allah be pleased with him), this Russian was also arrested and brought to Mukhtar. Finally threw it into the fire. 

In this way, the army of Ibn Sa'd killed all the evildoers with various punishments. Six thousand Kufis who participated in the killing of Hazrat Imam Ali Muqam (may Allah be pleased with him) were killed by Mukhtar with various punishments.

Sadr al-Fazl Maulana Syed Muhammad Naeemuddin Moradabadi says in his book “Swanah Karbala”: The Companions of the Cave were oppressed by the infidels and the people of his maternal grandfather’s Ummah invited Hazrat Imam Ali Muqam (RA) as a guest. Then he turned off the water out of disloyalty. 

He martyred his family and companions in front of Hazrat Imam-e-Pak (RA), then he martyred Hazrat-e-Imam-e-Ala-e-Maqam (RA), took the Ahl al-Bayt (RA) as captives, drove Sarmbarak from city to city, the Companions of the Cave spoke after a long sleep of years. Yes, but it is even more strange to say the word after being separated from the body of Saranur Mubarak.

Acceptance of Islam by the monk from the Saranoor of the Martyr of Karbala Hazrat Imam Hussain RA: When a Christian monk saw the light from the church, he asked the people, they said, the monk said: "You are bad people, can you agree to take ten thousand ashrafis and let this blessed one stay with me for one night?" He accepted. The monk washed his head, applied perfume, watched all night, saw a light rising. The monk spent that night crying, converted to Islam in the morning and left the church, its wealth and belongings and spent his life in the service of Ahl al-Bayt.

When dirhams and dinars became contracts: When the Yazidis opened the mouths of the bags to distribute the dirhams and dinars that they had looted from the army of Imam Ali Al Maqam and their tents, and what they had taken from the monk, what did they see? On the one hand (Surah Ibrahim, verse 42) "And Allah did not take into account what the wrongdoers do." Translated by Kanzal-e-Iman: "And do not let Allah be unaware of the deeds of the wrongdoers." And on the other hand, the verse of Surah Al-Shu'araa, "Wasai'alam al-Dhiin Zalmooa Ayya Munqalib Yainqaliboon". Translated by Kanzalaiman: "And now they want to go, the evildoers will turn around and eat."

It was a lesson from nature that the unfortunate! You turned your back on religion for the sake of this mortal world and broke the mountain of oppression and persecution on the family of Rasool ﷺ. It will not come and you have become an example of "Khasir al-Duniya wa Al-Akhira" (that is, loss in this world and loss in the hereafter as well). 

History is a witness that when Muslims actually preferred this mortal world over religion, they also lost their faith in this unfaithful world, and those who kicked this mortal world and remained firm on the orders of the Qur'an and Sunnah and religion And they did not turn away from faith, so the world followed them behind them with tied hands and they became leaders (successful) in Dareen (both worlds).


Grandson of the Prophet (peace be upon him) Sayyidna Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA).


Grandson of the Prophet (peace be upon him) Sayyidna Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA).
Grandson of the Prophet (peace be upon him) Sayyidna Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA).

 The grandson of the Prophet, Sayyidna Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) opened his eyes in the family of Prophethood, was born from the womb of Lady of Paradise, Sayyida Fatima Al-Zahra (RA), the Lion of God, Sayyidna Ali Murtaza, by the grace of Allah, found the shadow of affection, elder brother Sayyidna He grew up in the company of Imam Hasan Mujtaba (R.A.) and above all of them, he got the existence of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) as his great-grandfather.

His house was adjacent to the Prophet's Mosque, where the Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to come and go all the time, and Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) was captivated by the companionship and compassion of the Companions (RA) and the wives of the Holy Prophet (RA) pampered him as the mothers of the believers.

Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A.) spent six and a half years in the company of his paternal grandfather till Rabi-ul-Awwal 11 Hijri after the death of the Prophet (SAW) and he was proud of the honor of companionship. It was not the custom of the Prophet ﷺ to pledge allegiance to children, but Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) was blessed that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) pledged allegiance to him when he was a child. 

Therefore, it is narrated from Hazrat Jafar bin Muhammad that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) pledged allegiance to Hazrat Imam Hasan, Hazrat Imam Husain, Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas and Hazrat Abdullah bin Jafar (RA) when they were not even adults. He did not pledge allegiance to anyone except these gentlemen. (The beginning and the end)

Hazrat Osama bin Zayd (ra) says that once I attended the service of Hazrat Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam at night in connection with some of my work. He came out carrying something in his lap. What is in your lap? When the Prophet (ﷺ) lifted the blessed cloth, he saw that he (ﷺ) was carrying his grandsons Hasan and Hussain (RA) in his arms. O Allah! I love them both, you should make them your lover, and whoever loves them, make him your lover too. (Chapter Manaqib Al-Hasan and Al-Husain, Tirmidhi)

The history-making role of Syedna Hasan in the field of Karbala

Hazrat Anas bin Malik ra says that he was asked, O Messenger of Allah! Who do you love most in your family? He ﷺ ​​said: Hasan and Hussain! And he used to say to Hazrat Fatima, send my sons to me. When Hasan and Hussain would come, you would smell them (as parents smell their children while loving them) and would cling to you. (also)

Once he came outside the house of Umm al-Momineen Sayyida Ayesha Siddiqa (RA), when he passed outside the house of Hazrat Fatima al-Zahra (RA), he heard the sound of Imam Hussain (RA) crying. gave He ﷺ ​​said to Hazrat Fatima: Don't you know that Hussain's crying hurts me? (Collection of Al-Zawaid and Source of Benefits: 9/201)

Hazrat Abu Hurairah narrates that we were praying the evening prayer with the Holy Prophet. When the Prophet ﷺ would prostrate, Hassan and Hussain would ride on the back of the Prophet ﷺ, then when he would raise his blessed head from prostration, he would take his hand behind him and lift them both comfortably from his waist and sit on the ground. Give Then when he (ﷺ) would prostrate again, he would climb on his waist again, until he (ﷺ) finished the prayer and made them both sit on his lap. (Musnad-e-Ahmad: 16/386, narrated by Thaqaat)

Martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA).

There are some hadiths that when they were riding on the blessed back of the Holy Prophet, sometimes the Companions wanted to remove them from there, then the Prophet would forbid the Companions with a sign not to remove them. It has also been mentioned in a tradition that when he would ride on Peeth Mubarak, he would prostrate for a long time. Hazrat Bara ra says that the Prophet ﷺ would then say to both of them: How good is your ride! (Musnad of Abi Yala al-Mawsali, Majma al-Zawaid)

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: Whoever is happy to see someone from Paradise, then he should see Hussain bin Ali. (Musnad of Abi Yala Mosuli: 3/397, Warjala, Rizal al-Sahih)

The Prophet (peace be upon him) would sometimes hold Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) to his chest, kiss him and then smell him lovingly (as one smells a flower). (The virtues of the Companions of Ahmad bin Hanbal) And he, peace be upon him, used to say: There is spring in my world from the tails of Hasan and Hussain. (Sahih Bukhari: 5994)

The Companions of the Prophet (PBUH) also loved the beloved grandson of the Prophet (PBUH), Sayyidna Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) and respected his position and rank. He used to pass and used to worry about them. Therefore, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq used to say. Translation: "You respect the right of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam regarding the Ahl al-Bayt." 

This saying of yours has been quoted in Noor al-Absar: "Good behavior towards the relatives of the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, is more beloved to me than good behavior towards my own relatives." The practical proof of these sayings was presented by his kind behavior with the family of the Holy Prophet after the departure of the Holy Prophet, especially he was very fond of the grandchildren of the Holy Prophet. 

Hazrat Umar Farooq also used to show great love and compassion to him and took special care of him. Therefore, while keeping the Prophet's kinship, he had fixed the annual stipend of Hazrat Hasnain Karimin equal to that of the Sahabah of Badri. As if Hazrat Umar Farooq RA gave these two princes the rank of Companions of Badr RA. (Ibn Isakar)

Hazrat Uthman Ghani RA was the double cousin of Hazrat Imam Hussain RA, because his two great aunts, Hazrat Ruqayyah and Umm Kulthum RA, daughters of the Prophet, married Hazrat Usman Ghani RA one after the other. Hazrat Uthman Ghani RA loved you RA because of this relationship, a glimpse of which can be seen from this incident, in Rajab 26 Hijri, Hazrat Usman Ghani RA and his two nephews Hassan RA and Hussain RA went together on the journey of Umrah. During the journey, Hazrat Hussain fell ill at Al-Saqiya. 

Hazrat Uthman Ghani immediately informed Hazrat Ali (RA) about the illness of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) and intended to stay with him to take care of him, but Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) swore on his uncle's life and said that he should take the rest of the caravan. Go for Umrah. 

Do not deprive yourself of the happiness of Umrah just for my sake, so Hazrat Uthman Ghani RA had to leave there on the insistence of Hazrat Imam Hussain RA, but he asked Hazrat Abdullah bin Jafar RA to stay with him to take care of Hazrat Imam Hussain RA. He said, Later Hazrat Ali (RA) reached him from Madinah Tayyaba and after a few days, Hazrat Usman Ghani (RA) also came back after performing Umrah and said to Hazrat Ali (RA) that I wanted to stay with my nephew, but he did it. He sent me away with an oath. (Al-Thaqat Laban Hibban, 2/246)

His father, Ameerul Momineen Syedna Hazrat Ali al-Murtaza, may God bless him and grant him peace, said on one occasion: "The person most similar to me in my family is Hussain." (Ibn Asaqir)

Hazrat Bilal Habshi, the muezzin of the Messenger of Allah, after the departure of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, left Madinah and went to Syria. When Hazrat Bilal woke up from his sleep, he intended to go to Madinah, reached there and visited the Athar shrine, in the meantime Hazrat Hasnain came, when Hazrat Bilal saw him, he embraced him and kissed him lovingly. (Asdal Ghabah)

Hazrat Hasnain RA was going with a funeral, he sat down tired on the way, when Hazrat Abu Hurairah RA saw him, he came near him and began to sweep the feet of Hazrat Hasnain RA with his cloth and clean them. Hazrat Imam Hussain said: What are you doing? Hazrat Abu Huraira said: What is wrong with this? swear to God! As much as I know about you, if others had it, people would carry you on their necks (i.e. you don't need to go anywhere on foot). (Tarikh Kabir)

Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) used to hold the stirrups of Hazrat Hasnain (RA) and make them ride and said: These two are the sons of the Prophet. Once someone asked that you are older than both of them and are also their elders, then why are you holding the reins of their ride? Then Hazrat Ibn Abbas said: These two are the sons of the Holy Prophet, it is a blessing for me to hold the reins of their ride. (Great History)

Hazrat Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Aas (RA) was visiting the Prophet's Mosque, then Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) came, he came and greeted the audience, the people responded to the greeting, Hazrat Abdullah bin Amr (RA) raised his voice characteristically. And he said, Peace be upon you, may God have mercy on him, and he said: Do you people know that the most beloved person from the earth to the sky is Hazrat Hussain? All the people replied: Yes! (Asdal Ghabah)

Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar RA was sitting in the shadow of Kaaba Allah, then he saw Hazrat Imam Hussain RA coming, so he saw him and said: Today there is no one better than him in heaven and earth. (Al-Asaba)

The nobles and people of Madinah used to respect and honor Hazrat Imam Hussain RA and used to sit politely in his majlis just like his grandfather used to attend the service of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Once Hazrat Imam Hussain RA was going on foot for Hajj with his elder brother Syedna Hazrat Imam Hasan Mujtaba RA, any pilgrim on the way who saw these gentlemen walking would also get off his horse and walk on foot out of respect for them. that many people began to follow it, but it is obvious that some people faced severe hardships due to this, but on the other hand, they also respected the Prophet's children, so Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqqas ra to all the pilgrims. As a representative, I requested them that you should also get on the ride, otherwise people will continue to walk in respect to you. 

In response, these gentlemen said that we have made a commitment to perform Hajj on foot, so we cannot ride. Couldn't fall on them. (Riyadh al-Jinan)

Hazrat Imam Hussain RA was going somewhere on foot, on the way he met an Ansari companion Hazrat Numan bin Bashir RA, he was riding his horse, he got off seeing him and requested him to ride my horse. He said: The ride is yours, so you should ride. Hazrat Nu'man said: I have heard this tradition from my father that it is permissible to ride with the owner's permission. Hearing this, Hazrat Hussain rode on his horse and Hazrat Numan sat behind him. (Ibn Isakar)

When the delegation of Christians from Najran came to greet the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the Prophet (PBUH) left with his family (including Imam Hussain (RA)), they saw that the Prophet (PBUH) was carrying Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) in his arms. So the chief of the Christians said to his people: I see such faces that if these people ask Allah Almighty to remove the mountain from its place, I swear! The mountain will soon be moved, so do not interfere with them, or you will perish and not a single Christian will be left on the face of the earth. (Noorul Absar)

Among the numerous incidents of the pious life of Sayyidna Hazrat Imam Hussain RA, some bright aspects have been brought to the fore. And on the other hand, they describe the love and affection of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) with his beloved grandson and the companions of his Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) with their beloved son. May Allah bless us with the fruits of this love of faith. (Amen)

72 Taare by martyrs of Karbala