Tuesday, September 3, 2024

40 hadiths. A simple recipe for obtaining the intercession of the Prophet (pbuh)


40 hadiths. A simple recipe for obtaining the intercession of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

Khatam-ul-Nabieen, Rahmatullah-ul-Ulamin Sayyid al-Anbiya’ wa al-Mursaleen, Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever memorized forty hadiths for my Ummah related to their religious affairs, Allah will raise him as a jurist and I will judge him on the Day of Resurrection. I will be an intercessor and a witness on the day of
If you see the scene of the Resurrection with your own eyes, what a wonderful scene it will be. When every person will be seen wandering in search of only one person in search of only one person, struggling, running, and running away, that great person will be none other than the benefactor of humanity, Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him). The sole purpose of this search will be to obtain the intercession of the Holy Prophet.
Here, it would be better if I only speak about myself, because of course, I do not know anything about the feelings, feelings and thoughts of any Muhammadan Ummah, what they think or what they think about this time. When I think about this, I find myself drowning in the bottomless depths of the sea of ​​shame It is very clear that I do not follow the Sunnah, I do not follow the teachings of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), I do not give importance to the principles of living told by the Prophet (peace be upon him), I do not claim to love him. I do, but I am not able to pay the right of this love and devotion.
When it comes to obtaining intercession, the easy version of it was told by our master, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, to his ummah that by simply memorizing 40 blessed hadiths, we will be able to obtain the intercession of him, peace be upon him. God willing
At your service, I am making a small effort to present only Urdu translations of these blessed hadiths which are easy to remember and also helpful in making our lives beautiful in terms of faith and morals.
1. When you ask for help, ask Allah Almighty.
2. Actions depend on intentions.
3. The key to heaven is prayer.
4. The greatest sin of all the great sins is to associate partners with Allah.
5. Spread the greeting.
6. Avoid stinginess.
7. A Muslim is a brother of a Muslim.
8. I am the last prophet, no prophet will come after me.
9. Don't be angry.
10. It is not permissible for a Muslim to threaten another Muslim.
11. Prayer is not accepted without ablution.
12. The best of you is the one who learns the Qur'an and teaches it.
13. Pay full bow and prostration.
14. Connect with relatives.
15. Avoid wrongdoing.
16. A glutton will not enter Paradise.
17. Control your tongue.
18. When you ask, what should you do with Allah Almighty?
19. Dua is the core of worship.
20. The speech of Allah Ta'ala is superior to all other words just as Allah Ta'ala himself has superiority over all creation.
21. Community is mercy and isolation is punishment.
22. The person whose sins are forgiven will find relief.
23. Refrain from luxuries because God's servants are not luxuries.
24. Don't laugh too much because laughing too much makes hearts dead.
25. If you have hair, respect it.
26. Allah does not show mercy to him who does not show mercy to people.
27. A person who does not thank people does not thank Allah.
28. Try to avoid hell even by giving a piece of date palm in charity.
29. A person will not go to heaven whose neighbor is not safe from his dangers.
30. Whoever covers a Muslim, Allah will cover him on the Day of Resurrection.
31. Live in the world as if you were a traveler or a wayfarer.
32. A good thing is charity.
33. Among the believers, the most perfect believers are those who are the best in morals.
34. Indeed, Allah loves gentleness in everything.
35. Being ashamed of sins is repentance.
36. A promise is a loan.
37. Generosity is profitable.
38. Do not steal.
39. It is enough for a man to be a sinner that he should narrate every thing he hears.
40. The world is everyone's possessions and the best possessions in the world is a righteous wife.
I will conclude with the hope that whoever takes the time to read this writing, should try hard to remember these hadiths and incorporate them into their practical life. Make it part of your prayers. May Allah bless us all, make us a true Muhammadan Ummah. Amen

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