Thursday, July 25, 2024

Hazrat Imam Zain Ul Abideen

Hazrat Imam Zain Ul Abideen
Hazrat Imam Zain Ul Abideen

The son of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, the heir of Karbala, Imam Zayn al-Abidin Ali bin Husain bin Ali bin Abi Talib, opened his eyes in the pure family of Imam Hussain, the grandson of the Prophet, peace be upon him, in Madinah on 15 Jumadi al-Awwal (some hadiths say 5 Sha'ban) 38 Hijri. Her mother, Hazrat Shahr Bano, was the daughter of the last Sassanid king, Yazdgerd II. Imam Ali ibn al-Hussein was the father of the universe, and his son was from Adil. Hisham ibn Abdul Malik, who was the tenth ruler of the Banuamiyyah and the seventh ruler of the Mardan dynasty, once went to Mecca for Hajj, near the Black Stone due to rush. Even after reaching, he could not get a chance to kiss her. Meanwhile, Hazrat Imam Zainul Abidin reached Hijra Sood and the people left the road for his sake.

Seeing this situation, Hisham was very angry and out of jealousy asked Hisham who he was. Although he knew. Standing there, the famous poet of the Arab world, Farzuq, introduced him by reading a poem. "O Hisham, if you don't know them, then listen to me. These are those who have the virtues of the Quran attached to their chests. These are the ones whose courageous actions make the hearts of lions tremble. These are the ones whose Judoskha is jealous of even the Abarbaran. These are the ones whose footprints are recognized by Makkah. They are known by the House of Kaaba. The whole world is aware of them.

They are the members of this family who are the adornment of the whole earth. These people explained the religion for us with the light of their knowledge. These are the ones that the Creator of the universe has given them great virtues and made their bodies fresh and bright like a flower. These are the children of Fatimah. If you do not recognize them, listen to them. These are the children of the last of the Prophets(SAW)

His worship and ascetic piety had reached the extreme, that is the reason why he is known by the titles of Zain al-Abidin, Sayyid al-Sajdeen, Abid and Sajjad. Imam Hussain was a living image.

(Sawaiq Muharraqa) Imam Zuhri, Ibn Musayyib and Ibn Ainiyyah say that we have not seen anyone better worshiper and jurist than Imam Ali Ibn Al-Husayn (Nur al-Absar). He is called Zayn al-Abidin because of (Nur al-Absaar). Scholar of Ahl al-Sunnah Hazrat Allama Abdul Rahman Jami narrates that Imam Zain al-Abidin was once engaged in Tahajjud prayer, Satan came in the form of a dragon and started biting his toe, but he was praying. I was busy.

When the Imam finished his prayer, he slapped the devil away and at the same time, Hatif Ghaibi said three times, "Indeed, you are the adornment of the worshipers." After that, this title of yours became famous (Evidence of Prophethood). During the governorship of Hazrat Umar bin Abdulaziz in 87 A.H., a wall of the shrine of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa, may God bless him and grant him peace, fell down. The (faithfulness soon).

Imam Zain al-Abidin, who endured hunger and thirst in the plains of Karbala, used to support hundreds of poor houses in Madinah. He took the path. His collection of prayers Saheefa Ka Milla (Saheefa Sajjadiyya) was interpreted as Zabur al-Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Today, when the beloved country is facing the machinations of the eternal enemy India. In such situations, these prayers and lessons of Imam Zainul Abedin are to avoid the conspiracies of the enemies of religion and country.

"How many are the enemies who have drawn the sword of enmity against me and sharpened the edge of their blade and sharpened the fence of their hardness and mixed murderous poison with water for me." And even for a moment, their eyes did not lose sight of their pursuit and they were determined in their hearts to make me suffer in unfavorable situations and make me suffer from hardships and bitterness.

But O Lord, when you saw that I was weak to bear these hardships, unable to compete with the people ready for war and alone in front of a large number of enemies who targeted me, I did not think anything in this regard. You helped me without saying or praying and made my back strong and stable. You cut down the fence of the enemy for my sake and made him stand alone even though he gathered such a huge army of fire and made my base higher than him.

The arrow he aimed at me was turned back towards him, his anger could not be controlled nor the fire of his heart could be cooled, and he cut his own herbs and thus turned away in failure. His Lao army rebelled against him, how many of those who rebel have oppressed me with deception and the hunter has laid a trap in my path. When they find the victim and they tear the victim.

Even at that time, they were looking at me with expressions of happiness and with very jealous eyes. But my God, when you saw their inner wickedness due to your blessed and exalted presence and also saw that those evil feelings were inside themselves. When they were hiding, you pushed them into the pit of their head and plunged them into the cave they had dug to their death.

Now, after showing their pride and arrogance, they have become humiliated and caught in their trap in which they were planning to see me tomorrow. He does not worry if he takes shelter of him.

Although he was living a secluded life, but the spiritual authority was with him, he was poisoned on 25 Muharram Al-Haram 95 AH 714. At the age of 57, he was martyred.

His son, Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) led his funeral prayer and he was buried in Jannat al-Baqi in Madinah, next to his uncle Hazrat Imam Hasan (a.s.) and his grandmother Hazrat Fatima Zahra (a.s.). Allama Ibn Hajar, Allama Ibn Sabbagh Maliki, Allama Sabbat Ibn Juzi write that the one who martyred him by poisoning him is Waleed Ibn Abdul Malik (Nur al-Absaar, Sawaq al-Muharraqa, Fasul al-Mahmah, Tazikra Sabbat Ibn Juzi, Arjah al-Muttalib, (Volume 4).

Mulajami writes that after his martyrdom, his nephew died in three days wailing and crying at the grave. The story of Karbala is incomplete without the mention of Imam Zayn al-Abidin (known as Syed Sajjad wa Abed Bimar), the grandson of Hazrat Ali Ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him), the great personality of the family of Prophethood and the leader of the scholars. After the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him), Imam Zain al-Abidin took care of the Prophet's family along with his aunt, Grand-daughter of the Prophet (peace be upon him), Sayyida Zainab bint Ali, and despite enduring the hardships of imprisonment and imprisonment, with the same unparalleled courage and steadfastness that Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) did. He took over the movement of protection of religion and Shari'ah, that history is an unforgettable chapter of humanity.

Imam Zain al-Abidin, peace be upon him, along with the captives of Karbala, laid the foundation of peaceful protest and mourning against the oppressors, and showed the way to the destination for the oppressed of every era. He made his prayers and supplications a means of preaching in the darkest period of coercion, Kufa and Syria. Through my sermons, I exposed the hideous face of Yazidism and highlighted the cause of Hussain's martyrdom in such a way that an earthquake shook the house of tyranny.

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72 Taare by martyrs of Karbala