Friday, July 26, 2024

Hazrat Fatima's marriage


Hazrat Fatima's marriage
Hazrat Fatima's marriage

The Prophet ﷺ had dedicated Hazrat Fatima (RA) to Hazrat Ali (RA) and he wanted her to be offered by Hazrat Ali (RA).

Hazrat Fatimah (RA) was the daughter of the Prophet of God (PBUH), and was one of the prominent women of her time. She inherited her physical beauty and spiritual and moral values ​​from her parents. Quraysh and greatness were the center of attention in the eyes of personalities and rich people. are confused.

The Prophet ﷺ had dedicated Hazrat Fatima (RA) to Hazrat Ali (RA) and he wanted her to be offered by Hazrat Ali (RA). Presentation of Hazrat Ali (RA):- The companions of the Prophet ﷺ realized that the Prophet wanted the heart of God.

That Hazrat Fatima (RA) should be married to Hazrat Ali (RA), but it was not being offered by Hazrat Ali.

One day Mr. Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, Saad bin Muadh, etc., were sitting in the mosque with a group. He did not, and the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said that it is in the hands of Allah to choose the husband of Hazrat Fatima (RA). So far, Hazrat Ali (RA) has not asked for a relationship with Hazrat Fatima (RA) in the service of the Prophet. Perhaps, I think that the reason for not taking this step on the part of Hazrat Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, is because of his connivance.

I can understand that Allah and the Prophet have chosen Hazrat Fatima (RA) for Hazrat Ali (RA). Mr. Abu Bakr (RA) said to Mr. Umar (RA) and Sa'd (RA), if you people want, let us go together to Ali (RA) and present this matter to him, and if he marries If they are inclined to do it and they are not marrying on the basis of third hand, then let us help them.

The three of you came to Hazrat Ali's house, but they did not find you there. They found that you were watering date trees in the garden of an Ansari by pulling a bucket with a camel. He came to Anhu, and he, may God be pleased with him, said, "Where are you coming from? And for what purpose have you come to me?"

Mr. Abu Bakr (RA) said, O Ali (RA), you are above everyone in terms of perfections. have gone to propose to Allah Anhu, but the words of all the people have been rejected by the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, and he has said that it is in the hands of Allah to decide the husband of Fatimah, may Allah be pleased with her. We believe that God and His Messenger has reserved Hazrat Fatima (RA) for you. No other person has the ability to be proud of this blessing. We do not know why you are neglecting this initiative.

When Hazrat Radiyallahu Anhu heard this conversation, his eyes filled with tears, and he said, O Abu Bakr Radiyallahu Anhu, you have awakened my feelings and inner desires and drawn my attention to that which I was oblivious to. By God, the whole world is a suitor for Hazrat Fatimah (RA) and I am also a local, the only thing that prevents me from doing this is that I am empty-handed, Mr. Abu Bakr (RA) said, or Ali (RA). You should not say this, because in the eyes of the Prophet of God, the world and the wealth of the world have no value.

I am of the opinion that you should take action in this matter as soon as possible, and apply for the marriage of Fatima. The crisis situation of Islam and the economic condition of the Muslims prevented Ali (RA) from this heartfelt desire. On the one hand, they were seeing your empty hand and the economic condition of themselves and all the Muslims and the general arrest, and on the other hand, they also knew that the time for your marriage had come.

Because you were 21 years old or more. They must get married at that age, and they will not be able to have a relationship like Fatimah's. can go Abu Bakr's offer awakened Hazrat Ali's soul in such a way that his inner passion ignited.

And then it was not possible for you to finish the work in which you were engaged, you separated the camel from this work and returned home, you took a bath and put on a clean robe and put on shoes to the Messenger of God. Attended the service, the Holy Prophet was visiting the house of Umm Salama at that time, Hazrat Ali (RA) went to the house of Umm Salama (RA) and knocked on the door. The one who knocks on the door is the person whom God and His Messenger love and he loves God and His Messenger. This kind of decision has been made in their favor without seeing?

You ﷺ said. O Umm Salma, shut up. He is a brave and courageous person who is my cousin, and who is dear to me more than anyone. Umm Salma got up from her seat and opened the door of the house. Hazrat Ali (RA) entered the house. They greeted and greeted and the Prophet sat down in front of God, and because of shame, his head was lowered and he could not reveal his intention, and both remained silent for a while, and finally the Prophet of Islam, peace be upon him, broke this silence.

And he said, O Ali. As if you have come to me for some work, which you are ashamed to express? Express your need without hesitation and be satisfied that your wish will be accepted. Hazrat Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) said, O Messenger of Allah, may my parents be sacrificed to you. I have tried and with the blessings of your blessed existence I have been guided O Messenger of God, by God, you are my wealth in this world and the hereafter.

Now the time has come for me to choose a life partner for myself, and to create a domestic life, so that I can be familiar with it and reduce my sufferings because of this. Give Anhu in my marriage so that I will be blessed with great happiness. The Prophet of Islam ﷺ was waiting for this kind of offer. His face lit up with joy and happiness and he said, "Be patient, I will seek permission from Fatimah." The Holy Prophet went to Fatimah and said. You know Ali better, he has come to propose.

Do you allow me to marry you to him? Mr. Fatimah (may Allah be pleased with her) remained silent because of shame, and did not say anything. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, O Ali, go to the mosque quickly, I am also coming behind you, so that you can perform the wedding ceremony and the wedding sermon in front of the people.

The Prophet ﷺ came to the mosque while his face was shining with joy and happiness, and after praising God, he said, “O people, be aware that Jibreel (Radhiyallahu Anhu) has descended upon me, and to God the Most Merciful. have brought a message that the marriage ceremony of Hazrat Ali (R.A.) and Fatima (R.A.) has been celebrated in the presence of the angels in the upper world.

And ordered that this ceremony should be performed on earth as well. I declare you as a witness, you sat down after that, and he said to Hazrat Ali (RA) to get up and recite the sermon. Hazrat Ali (R.A.) stood up and said, "I thank God Almighty for His blessings and give such a testimony as is pleasing to the Almighty that there is no God but Him, and may God bless him." May Allah bless him and grant him peace.

Guys! The marriage between me and Fatimah (RA) has been approved by Allah and has been granted by Allah. The Messenger of Allah has betrothed Fatimah (RA) to me and has accepted my armor as dowry. Ask him and be a witness. Did the Muslims submit to the service of the Holy Prophet or the Messenger of Allah, did you give Fatima (RA) to Ali (RA)? The Messenger of Allah replied yes.

All those present raised their hands to pray, and said that God blesses this marriage for you and creates love and harmony between you both. Seal of Hazrat Zahra (RA) :- An armor whose price was 400 or 480 or 500 dirhams. A pair of Yemeni linen. The skin of a goose was dyed.

Hazrat Zahra's dowry:- The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said to Hazrat Ali (RA): Get up now and go and sell the armor that you have given as a dowry for Hazrat Zahra (RA) so that I can provide you with dowry and household goods.

Hazrat Ali (RA) went to the market and sold the armor. In different traditions, the price of the armor has been mentioned separately. According to some traditions, Mr. Uthman (RA) bought this armor and later Hazrat Ali (RA) bought it. Gifted to Anhu

 Hazrat Ali (RA) took the price of the armor and offered it to the Holy Prophet (SAW). He bought the essentials and means of life of Mr. Fatima, and gave some dirhams from it to Hazrat Asma and said to provide perfume and fragrance with it, and the remaining dirhams were kept with Mr. Umm Salma.

Mr. Abu Bakr (RA) said, "When I counted the dirhams, they were 63 dirhams, and with that I bought these means and accessories."

 A white shirt.

 A large cloth to cover the head i.e. Burqa.

 A dark news

 A char pie, made from palm leaves.

 Two mattresses, one filled with sheep's wool and the other with palm leaves.

Four pillows made of sheepskin stuffed with fragrant grass called Azhar.

 A mat named Hijri

 A manual grinder.

 A copper bowl.

 A leather musk for filling water.

 A plate for washing clothes.

 A bowl for milk

 A vessel for drinking water.

 A woolen veil

 A number returned

 A number of clay pots called sarahi (sabu).

A piece of leather for flooring

 Two numbers of pitchers

 A number of Abba.

 When the dowry of Mr. Zahraradi Allahu'anhu was brought before the Messenger of God, tears flowed from his eyes and he raised his head towards the sky and said, "May God bless this marriage whose vessels are mostly made of clay."

 The property of the house of Hazrat Ali.

 A piece of wood on which clothes and water bottles can be hung.

 Cow skin.

 A number of musk

 A pillow.

 A sieve of flour.

Page 49 to 66

 The book Fatima Zahra, may Allah be pleased with her, is the exemplary woman of Islam. The author is Ayatollah Ibrahim Amini. The translator is Akhtar Abbas.

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